Next Booster MeetingWednesday, September 11, 2024 – 6:30 PM Tentative future meeting dates
Contribute to the NAB
NAB supports Novi teams with gifts
You might have attended some of the Novi Athletic Boosters club’s fund-raising events such as TASTEFEST, NAB Craft Beer & Wine Night and the Holiday Arts & Crafts Show. You might even have bought an annual All Sports Pass and supported the businesses that advertise in the Sports Program fund-raising program. The NAB spends all the proceeds from these events and programs – more than $1.5 million to date – on GIFTS to the Novi Middle School and Novi High School Athletic Programs!
The NAB provides gifts of professional training, facility upgrades, equipment, and scholarships to eligible athletic teams at Novi High School and Novi Middle School. Before each new season, coaches can submit a grant request to the Athletic Office for needs extending beyond what can be provided through the Athletic Department budget. The Athletic Director evaluates the grant, determines which teams are eligible to have their requests fully funded based on NAB volunteers commitments and then makes a formal request to the Novi Athletic Boosters.
More than $1.5 million dollars has been spent on Novi Athletics in the past 10 years. We are proud of that but even more proud of our athletes. GO WILDCATS!